EU lidstaten zijn het eens over praktische acties van de SVHC Routekaart 2020
The implementation plan for the ‘Roadmap on substances of very high concern for 2020' was endorsed by the Member State competent authorities in their meeting at the end of November. The aim of the implementation plan is to enhance common understanding on how authorities screen substances, generate further information where necessary, and channel substance to the most efficient regulatory processes.
The roadmap focuses on specific groups of substances that will be looked at in more detail by the authorities. These are CMRs, PBTs and vPvBs, endocrine disruptors, sensitisers, and petroleum and coal stream substances. The list already includes 144 SVHC-s (ECHA Nieuwsbrief, december 2013).
Klik hier voor het volledige artikel in de ECHA Nieuwsbrief van december 2013.
Klik hier om de ‘Routekaart inzake zeer zorgwekkende stoffen' te downloaden (159 kB).
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