Toxiciteit aangepakt: het ontwikkelen van een alternatief voor BPA uit lignine

31 maart 2014

Over 5 million metric tons of bisphenol A (BPA) are produced annually for the synthesis of plastics, such as epoxy resins, vinyl ester resins, and polycarbonates. BPA can interfere with early reproductive development. Therefore, designing sustainably sourced, less toxic BPA alternatives is desirable.
Researchers at the University of Delaware USA synthesized bisguaiacol F (BGF) as a potential BPA alternative from two lignin model compounds, vanillyl alcohol and guaiacol. The paper and pulping industry produces 70 million tons of lignin a year as a waste product. The scientists say that the BPA alternative could be ready for the market within 5 years (, 16 maart 2014).
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