Nanomaterialen: de voordelen gebruiken, de risico’s beperken – de Oostenrijkse manier
Nanotechnology offers great opportunities, for example in the environmental and energy sectors as well as in products such as cosmetics and medicine. However, it is essential for nanotechnology applications to be safe while taking advantage of the opportunities that they offer. The regulation of nanotechnologies is therefore necessary to guarantee that human health and the environment are protected.
As one element of the Austrian Nanotechnology Action Plan, Austria is now carrying out a nanomaterial inspection project. Among other things, spot checks are performed to gain insight into nanomaterials and nanomaterial products on the Austrian market (ECHA Nieuwsbrief, oktober 2014).
Klik hier voor het artikel in de ECHA Nieuwsbrief.
Klik hier om het Oostenrijkse Nanotechnology Action Plan te downloaden (5,88 MB).
Klik hier voor het Oostenrijkse Nanoinformatie Portaal (in het Duits).
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