LCA van nieuw geproduceerde en gereconditioneerde industriële verpakkingen
The Reusable Industrial Packaging Association (RIPA) has published a lifecycle assessment (LCA) of newly manufactured and reconditioned industrial packaging. The primary goal was to compare the total GHG emissions of several styles of new and reconditioned industrial packagings. The packagings studied were steel drums, plastics drums, and composite intermediate bulk containers (IBCs).
Findings show that, for single-trip solutions, reusable packagings can reduce GHG emissions by between 26% and nearly 70% over similar new container designs. As the number of reuse trips increases, total GHG savings for all packaging types increase (Nieuwsbericht Hazardous Cargo Bulletin, mei 2014).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht.
Klik hier voor de LCA (1,41 MB).
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