FEICA richtsnoer: lijmen, voedselcontact en minerale oliën
The latest FEICA guidance aims to provide clarification on how to risk assess mineral oil hydrocarbons in adhesives and, in case testing is needed, on how to perform the test and to evaluate the results.
The FEICA guidance will benefit adhesive manufacturers, downstream users and other stakeholders. Effective communication in the supply chain is essential to ensure that adhesive manufacturers provide packaging manufacturers with sufficient information about the adhesives to allow them to carry out their own risk assessments, so that the packaging producer will be able to show compliance with article 3 of the Framework Regulation 1935/2004 for the final packaging (FEICA Connect, 31 mei 2017).
Klik hier om de FEICA Connect te downloaden (2,92 MB).
Klik hier om het FEICA richtsnoer over het evalueren van de voedselcontactstatus van lijmen die minerale oliën bevatten te downloaden (394 kB).
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