Europese norm gepubliceerd voor bepaling ftalaten in extracten van papier en karton
In February 2014 NEN-EN 16453 was published. This European Standard specifies an analytical test method for the determination of phthalates in water, solvent and modified polyphenylene oxide (MPPO) extracts of paper and board materials and articles intended for food contact using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS).The phthalates determined by this method are Diisobutyl-phthalate DIBP, Dibutyl-phthalate DBP and Di-(-ethylhexyl)-Phthalate DEHP. These phthalates have been identified as potentially endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Examples of the sources of these phthalates in the packaging are inks or adhesives (World Packaging Standardisation Newsletter, april 2014).
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