CA: Canada lanceert overleg over veranderingen voor het etiketteren van voedingsmiddelen
The Canadian Ministry of Health has launched a series of online public consultations on proposed changes to improve the presentation of nutrition information on labels. The main goal is to provide consumers with a better understanding of nutritional facts and ease decision making for a healthy diet. The consultation will run from July 14th till September 11th 2014.
The changes impact the format of the nutritional facts table, list of ingredients, list of nutrients that are required to appear in the nutritional table and the daily values. Special attention is drawn to the presentation of sugars and the display of serving sizes (Nieuwsbericht Packaging Gateway, 15 juli 2014).
Klik hier voor het nieuwsbericht van Packaging Gateway.
Klik hier voor de feitentabel van Health Canada over de nutritionele voedingswaarde tabel.
Klik hier voor de feitentabel van Health Canada over de portievermelding.
Klik hier voor de feitentabel van Health Canada over suikergehalte en etikettering.
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